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Archi is a leading development company in Georgia.


17/02/2021 _ Interior

Unique Home Décor Ideas

Little details make the biggest statements in interior design. After choosing wallpapers, lighting, and flooring, it is important to bring visually pleasing accessories into a room. They will add personality and character to space. Have a look at some unusual and functional décor elements to embellish the interior.


Iron mesh boards



We need a positive atmosphere in a home office. A wall covered with inspirational quotes, funny photos, or to-do-lists stickers can boost our motivation. They are usually hung onto an iron mesh board. Mesh boards are a low-budget accessory to store papers or decorate walls.


Metal wardrobes



Metal is one of the most commonly used materials in all types of interior. This universal material equally fits classic, elegant, and modern styles. Metal wardrobes are used as storage as well as a room decoration. Vintage metal wardrobes accompanied by lavender accessories create an unusual décor in a room.


Disco balls



Disco balls look amazing in all rooms. It gives a glamour look to a living room and has a soothing effect in a bedroom. Additionally, you can add fabrics with a glossy surface to double the disco ball effect.


Swing chairs



Swing chairs are one of the top trending products online. These elegant-looking chairs are comfortable and suited to people of all ages. Swing chairs are attractive and relaxing at the same time. Swinging motions help you and your guests unwind after a tiring day.


Bed canopies



Modern canopy beds look stunning. Bed curtains are functional too. They reduce dust as well as control daylighting. Pink and sky blue canopies are perfect for a kid’s bedroom.